Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacant stuff...with a little personal on the side.

Another beautifuil weekend passes.  Are they ever long enough?

Went rafting with a bunch of new peeps.  All great people.  We had a great time!  (OK, so I can't speak for them, only myself, but still...)  Seriously, how can you go wrong with camping, volleyball, swimming, games, dancing, beer, rafting and tons of laughs? 

A good friend has always said "You can't beat fun for a good time!"  Simple, sort of, yet so true!

Slowly getting settled into the condo.  Honestly, I need more hours in the day.  Actually, that's not true.  There are plenty of hours and if I had my priorities different I am certain I could find more time.  But really, it's summer and there's volleyball and softball to be played!  The season is too short as it is!  I can always find time for playing house later.  Besides, does one really need furniture to eat off of if all you have in your fridge/cupboards is beer, water and coffee?

Was actually pretty proud of myself...Furniture arrived on Friday morning - disassembled!!  It took me a little while, but I managed to get my bed together!!  I only had a few extra screws.  It has passed the one night's sleep test and so far so good!  OK, so it was just me and it didn't really get a workout but hey - I didn't end up on the floor! ;)

I've learned I am a person who likes to be touched.  I mean, I like hugs and human contact.  A hand on a thigh, in the small of my back; a finger lightly caressing sides; hands gently intertwined.... It's not much, but it makes me feel alive, and lets both of us know we're there.

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