Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Almost perfect

Ok so not that I strive for perfection, or even believe it to be attainable but aren't there times when you think - "wow, it was so close I could feel it!"

For the most part I see the glass half full. Ok, even more than half, almost filled to the brim. And thats a good thing, I believe. Negativity breeds negativity and it isn't something you want to welcome or introduce in your life at any given time. Scratch that - at any time. It's the "secret", the power of persuasion, neuro linguistic programming, whatever you want to call it. However you see things they take shape so all those philosophies, or hocus pocus, or balogna, or whatever you want to call them - they make sense! In theory....

Then there's that nagging, that self-doubt if you will, that devil on your shoulder that creeps in every now and then and makes you question your own 'glass half full' mentality.

What is it that leads us to believe there is always something better out there? A different outcome to the current situation? Slight tweaks on behavior and/or action that could change the entire outcome? And why even allow our thought process to go there when right in front of us is most of what we wish for and what we want?

Ah the secret rantings of a sometimes over-analytical mind. Thank goodness I get the 'half glass full' ideology and more importantly SEE it before I see the other, lesser half.

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