Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Was up before the crack of dawn this morning.  Likely earlier than that if you count my previous 5 awakenings.  Couldn't sleep so grabbed the runners and away I went.  Me, my tunes and a sleepy city just getting started.  Walked the neighbourhood.  It's actually a nice spot.  I had no idea the communitiy existed!

Note the 5 awakenings throughout the night.  Why?  Well that's a good question and one I believe I know the answer to, but have yet to admit.  In previous posts I've mentioned being alone and then in a subsequent post how much I like to be touched - it's the little things.  Well, one cannot exist with the other.  (Alright, I suppose it can, but it's just not the same!) 

So, what's acceptable and what isn't? 
How much can you have of another person and still be alone? 
Should you avoid something that feels good even though others warn you and maybe somewhere in your own head there's a voice telling you the same? 
If you have something with one person, is it right to take something of someone else? 
How much time spent with one person without a firm commitment is too much? 
How can you expect something of someone else when you aren't willing to expect the same from yourself?
How do you know what's out there if you don't put yourself out there?
And how do you know you aren't passing something up you shouldn't be for something that isn't there?

It's quite apparent I need more sleep....

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