I listen to my tunes with one ear bud in always. [Background: Partially because I want to be able to hear all thats going on around me - if you knew where I worked in my doorless/wallless office space you would understand] Given where they plug in I always use my right ear bud. Think I *ever* pick up my right ear bud first to put it in? Nooo! What's with that??
Seems the brain is functioning in half processed thoughts these days. Maybe I need to get out more. Talk to people. Like I don't get out enough. HA! Seriously though, there's going out with people and talking to them and then there's going out and talking with people. See the difference? (Look closely) After all, people are interesting and you always learn something. Either about them, or about you. Maybe I'll make people my new hobby. I really don't have a hobby.
I play volleyball tonight. Sparing in one league and then have my own league (well it's not *my* league, but I'm a regular!). Have to pack for a work trip before that because I know I'll be foggy come tomorrow morning (c'mon people - it's Friday!). Shoulder is being a stupid ass (excellent use of the English language there!) and I probably should never have agreed to spare. I really do know how to say 'No'. Really I do! Think there may have been a previous blogpost in reference to that. Maybe it was someone elses?
It has been really windy lately and there's lots of leaves blowing around out there.
DUDE! Where's my car!!!